To check out all of our HOBO data loggers for monitoring indoor, outdoor, and underwater environments, click here. So, as our CTO (another veteran employee here at Onset - 31 years and counting!) says, the name "HOBO" is actually a " backronym."įor more information on Onset, including our history and timeline of our HOBO products since 1981, check out our company pages.

The railroad themes are no longer in our product names…except HOBO, which will live on as long as we can help it!” Original Description : Mario and SMG4 are in a pickle right now. "Today the HOBO name is to data loggers what Kleenex is to facial tissues. Someone came up with the idea: ‘Honest Observer By Onset’ as a HOBO acronym. Book Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours at Low Prices with Local Experts at the Lowest Prices with handpicked reliable suppliers - Lowest Price, Flexible Cancellation. "Years later, we published a newsletter called Honest Observer. It works silently in the background, 24 hours a day, doing a job folks need to get done, but which they couldn’t easily or practically do by themselves. "This was the idea behind naming our logger a HOBO. They stayed hidden…in the background, but did the jobs they were asked to do, and did them well, as their lives depended on it! The owners of our company had an affinity for all things train related, so many of our early products had railroad themes: StowAway, Greenline, BoxCar, HandCar, and HOBO! The hobos of old survived by traveling from place to place in boxcars so they could find odd jobs to do for folks across the country. “HOBO is not an acronym…at least it didn’t start out that way.

Often people use the term bum to define these types of. Unlike a 'tramp', who again was seen as only working when forced to, and a 'bum', who was seèn as dong does no work at all, a 'hobo' is a traveling worker.

The term originated in the Western probably Northwestern United States around 1890. The most common thought is that it’s an acronym, and the answer to that is "no, but yes!" One of our veteran employees, Operations Analyst Gregg Daly explains: This term is defined as a transient person who travels from place to place doing odd jobs for money. A hobo was originaly and usually a migrant worker or homeless vagrant, especially one who is impoverished. Even the "newbies" here at Onset ask the question, "What’s with the name HOBO?"