Find the UL Test Data file and click it with activated file copier. Go to Software>File Utilities>File Copier. Once finished, Password Breaker closes automatically. Click Software>Bypassers>Password Breaker, then click the pop-up window. There’s a window with login/password text boxes. Double-click the UL Test Machine point: the first click unchooses it, the second makes it your destination. The green IPs are target IPs of the missions you have. Go to Software Upgrades and buy Password Breaker (only 1.0 is available) and Log Deleter 1.0. The News menu is sometimes needed to learn when you’ve accomplished certain missions, and you can also read some storyline text here. Mission List is irrelevant before you’ve finished the test mission. Ranking is quite useless, but may be interesting. Login either by typing everything or just clicking the given info and proceeding. If you haven’t added all the points, it’s not actually a big deal. I’ve also taken away the UL bank and PAS, as I don’t need the bank now, and I won’t probably need the PAS at all except as a bounce point. They appear to be assigned to the IPs randomly. The positions of different bounce points will be different, so don’t worry if you find 5 of them in New Zealand while I have none. When done, it looks like this in a “normal” and loaded state respectively: It takes quite a while, I know, but it’ll save you more in the long run. Naturally, you can mark more or less than 5 points, I just find it convenient. If you’re still not sure, consult with the names.
Some of them will most likely overlap, so you might want to change the scale of the map. Go on until you’ve connected all of them. Click Load and connect the five points to the existing path.ĭouble-click Cancel (so that you’re in the gateway again) and unplus the IPs. You can start from the top, but the way described is more convenient to me. Scroll the list down to the five empty spaces you left after taking away the pluses. Actually, you won’t have to go to this section anymore, and you’ll need some data from InterNIC later. I agree, it’s a lot, but it will serve you well. Go to Browse/Search again, but now add all IPs there. If you still have the trace you previously saved, and connect. Note: don’t click the lines themselves, or else you’ll connect to those IPs immediately.Ĭonnect to InterNIC again. Add all the orange points to it and click Save again.Ĭlose the map and click the pluses once more, so that there are no icons in front of the five. The points in orange are the ones marked with +. Now, click the circles in front of them once, so they become pluses. As you’ve probably noticed, the list has become longer. If it doesn’t click the plus once more.Ĭlick Disconnect right under the map. Choose the first five points in the list by clicking a + in front of them, it should disappear. It’ll spare you a lot of time later.Ĭonnect to InterNIC and choose Browse/Search. After you’ve connected all the points present (again, starting with InterNIC), click Save. The only point you can’t unchoose is your gateway. Say, if you’ve connected to UI, you won’t be able to connect to InterNIC unless you disconnect. NOTE: to connect from any point you already at, you have to disconnect first. There is only one exception: Uplink Internal Services System (UI) can be securely reached directly.
IMPORTANT: InterNIC must always be your first bounce point. To maximize the number of bouncing points, first go to your map and connect all your present IPs. the more bounce points you have, the longer it takes to find you.
When you’re satisfied with the path, click Connect. To bounce, choose an IP (click a white square “dot”) and then a different one. However, few of them are safe, so you’ll want to bounce of as many IP addresses as possible in order not to be tracked and caught. To do this, just click the map in the upper left part of the screen and choose the place you’d like to connect to.